Heather's Story

My Angel is Bryce Aaron Matthews. He was my 3rd pregnancy, my 3rd boy, the missing piece to our family. I unexpectedly went into preterm labor on New Year's Day 2014. I was just shy of 19 weeks and we all knew how this would end. My doctors were amazing and had me stable and resting before night fall.
"You need to get to 23 weeks before we can start any treatments to mature his lungs. To maintain this pregnancy you will need to be admitted to the hospital and remain on strict bed rest." Those are the words that started our 2014. So, on bed rest I went! Monday morning,
January 13, 2014 Bryce had other plans. He was born into my arms at 10:32 am. Bryce was held his whole life by his mommy and daddy until he grew his angel wings at 2:30pm. That 11 ounce little miracle has changed our lives forever, and we wouldn't have it any other way.